About Me

Hi! My name is Caryn.

About Me

I am a wife, mother, and daughter. I wasn't born in Texas but got here as soon as I could.

How it started

Like most of you, I started out as a full-time working mom. Our son was a late talker and had many meltdowns. Thankfully, he was getting services through Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) after our pediatrician referred us for services at his 12-month appointment. He was improving. But, at 3 he aged out of the PPCD, he was referred to Child Find for further evaluation. Shortly before his 3rd birthday, our life changed after a public school assessment. Our child was deemed eligible for special education services under Speech Impairment (SI) and he was enrolled in the preschool program for children with disabilities (PPCD).

That first meeting

That first meeting at the public school was a true shock. My husband, Ken, and I had no idea what the teachers and Vice-Principal were talking about. Acronyms flew around the table. They talked to each other a lot. We were well educated but we sat in there confused like the kids listening in on the grown folks talk! When I got back to my job, my supervisor expressed his frustration about my absences from the office even though the university policy CLEARLY stated I was protected under Federal Family and Medical Leave Act. I knew then I needed to commit myself FT to my child.

My Journey

After I left my career, I read all that I could find in the library about special education and the re-evaluation process we were going through. In 2010, our child was diagnosed as Autistic. We read books. I went to day-time seminars. I took our child to appointments with therapists and doctors all across Central Texas. I meet with the school teams and the district professionals. Yet, I still felt lost. Our child was struggling. My husband and I felt alone and we were scared!

Then, I found and joined Austin Special Needs Parents on Facebook. I found my tribe! Those wonderful parents helped me find my footing as a parent to an autistic child. As the years passed, I started volunteering for Austin Special Needs Parents as an Event Coordinator, Social Media Administrator, and developed a Resource Directory.

What I do now

After all of those years, I've learned a lot. So, I decided I should expand my assistance to our community. In January 2022, I became a Master IEP Coach® and will soon be a member of COPAA.

What's is Master IEP Coach®?

CEO Catherine Whitcher describes Master IEP Coaches ® as "idea bringers, solutions finders, and team builders at the IEP table." I strongly believe that we can influence our circumstances through relationships.

What I am Not!

I'm not an attorney. (Thank goodness!) I'm not a financial adviser. I'm not a certified teacher.

Need a new perspective?

Instead, I am a coach to help you challenge your own misperceptions of your influence and role in your child's education. I want you to know and then ACT on your own values! My job is helping others to gain allies and create a real team rather than telling them what to do or lecturing them from a stage. I help families to learn how to collaborate and ask for more! I'm about getting the entire team to "Let's try it!" with a cheerful, hopeful attitude!

Sometimes, it just takes a fresh set of eyes on things! Sometimes, you just need someone who will really listen and understand where you are at because they've been in your shoes. Sometimes, you need someone just over your shoulders, encouraging you and cheering you on. Can I offer you my perspective?

FREE 20-minute IEP Progress Report Review


P.S. - I have NOT gotten permission to post these snapshots! Asking for forgiveness. ;)

P. P.S. - That's NOT my car! Ha!